Rabbit Roll in the oven
Pour a little olive oil into a pan and make a bed of herbs. Wash the celery (leave a few slices of celery) and the carrots well, cut into large cubes and add them to the pan. Don't forget the salt and pepper. Sprinkle with paprika, mix well and place the finished roll on the bed of herbs. Put the tray in the preheated oven at 170-180 °C for half an hour.
Celery puree: In a saucepan with a little oil and butter, fry a finely chopped onion and a sliced clove of garlic. Add salt and pepper. The remaining few slices of celery are finely chopped and added to the fried onion. Mix well. After frying a little, add some water. Put a lid on, turn the heat to low and simmer. When the celery is cooked, add the whippd cream, salt and pepper. Let the ingredients swell, then blend them until you get a fine puree.
Cheese sauce: In a pan we pour the whipped cream, add finely grated Parmesan cheese and a tablespoon of truffle paste (not compulsory), salt, pepper, mix and cook until the sauce has thickened a bit. Remove the rabbit roll from the oven and slice it.
Serve this on a nice plate, putting a spoonful of celery puree, the cooked vegetables and a slice of flavoured rabbit roll. Pour in a little cheese sause and garnish with microplants.